On average, there are around 30,000 DWI arrests across Minnesota each year. This number may give individuals the false sense that a drunk driving conviction is not that big of a deal. However, even a first time conviction in Minnesota can result in serious penalties. Further, the penalties for even a first-time conviction could stand to get tougher as a federal transportation board requests that all states mandate ignition interlock devices for anyone convicted of drunk driving charges.

Individuals convicted of a DUI can presently apply to have an ignition interlock device, which they must pay to have installed and maintained every month, in an effort to regain their driver’s license. However, if what the transportation board requests is approved, everyone convicted of drunk driving could soon be ordered to do this.

Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer Barry Hogen

If you are charged with criminal charges dealing with child pornography, you need to know exactly what you are dealing with. There are many different types of charges that you may be facing, each with their own consequences

Types of Criminal Charges You May be Facing.

There are many different charges that you may be facing when it comes to child pornography.

Possession of child pornography.
Distribution of child pornography
Creation and production of child pornography
Consequences of Your Criminal Charges.

If it is your first conviction of possession charges, it could cost you up to five years behind bars. You may have to pay up to five thousand dollars in fines. You will have to sign up for  sex offender registration for the rest of your life.

If convicted again, you will end up spending up to ten years in jail. Your fines could cost you up to ten thousand dollars.

If you are convicted of distributing child pornography, you could spend up to seven years in jail. Your fines will cost you up to ten thousand dollars. You will have to sign up for  sex offender registration for the rest of your life.

If you are convicted again, you could spend up to fifteen years behind bars. Your fines could reach up to twenty thousand dollars.

If you are creating child pornography, you could spend up to ten years behind bars. Your fines could go up to twenty thousand dollars. If convicted again, your fines could cost you forty thousand dollars